################## Change Log semver2 ################## This changelog contains older entries for semver2. ---- Version 2.13.0 ============== :Released: 2020-10-20 :Maintainer: Tom Schraitle Features -------- * :pr:`287`: Document how to create subclass from ``VersionInfo`` Bug Fixes --------- * :pr:`283`: Ensure equal versions have equal hashes. Version equality means for semver, that ``major``, ``minor``, ``patch``, and ``prerelease`` parts are equal in both versions you compare. The ``build`` part is ignored. Additions --------- n/a Deprecations ------------ n/a ---- Version 2.12.0 ============== :Released: 2020-10-19 :Maintainer: Tom Schraitle Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`291` (:pr:`292`): Disallow negative numbers of ``major``, ``minor``, and ``patch`` for :class:`semver.VersionInfo` ---- Version 2.11.0 ============== :Released: 2020-10-17 :Maintainer: Tom Schraitle Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`276` (:pr:`277`): ``VersionInfo.parse`` should be a class method Also add authors and update changelog in :gh:`286` * :gh:`274` (:pr:`275`): Py2 vs. Py3 incompatibility TypeError ---- Version 2.10.2 ============== :Released: 2020-06-15 :Maintainer: Tom Schraitle Features -------- :gh:`268`: Increase coverage Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`260` (:pr:`261`): Fixed ``__getitem__`` returning None on wrong parts * :pr:`263`: Doc: Add missing "install" subcommand for openSUSE Deprecations ------------ * :gh:`160` (:pr:`264`): * :func:`semver.max_ver` * :func:`semver.min_ver` ---- Version 2.10.1 ============== :Released: 2020-05-13 :Maintainer: Tom Schraitle Features -------- * :pr:`249`: Added release policy and version restriction in documentation to help our users which would like to stay on the major 2 release. * :pr:`250`: Simplified installation semver on openSUSE with ``obs://``. * :pr:`256`: Made docstrings consistent Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`251` (:pr:`254`): Fixed return type of ``semver.VersionInfo.next_version`` to always return a ``VersionInfo`` instance. ---- Version 2.10.0 ============== :Released: 2020-05-05 :Maintainer: Tom Schraitle Features -------- * :pr:`138`: Added ``__getitem__`` magic method to ``semver.VersionInfo`` class. Allows to access a version like ``version[1]``. * :pr:`235`: Improved documentation and shift focus on ``semver.VersionInfo`` instead of advertising the old and deprecated module-level functions. * :pr:`230`: Add version information in some functions: * Use ``.. versionadded::`` RST directive in docstrings to make it more visible when something was added * Minor wording fix in docstrings (versions -> version strings) Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`224` (:pr:`226`): In ``setup.py``, replaced in class ``clean``, ``super(CleanCommand, self).run()`` with ``CleanCommand.run(self)`` * :gh:`244` (:pr:`245`): Allow comparison with ``VersionInfo``, tuple/list, dict, and string. Additions --------- * :pr:`228`: Added better doctest integration Deprecations ------------ * :gh:`225` (:pr:`229`): Output a DeprecationWarning for the following functions: - ``semver.parse`` - ``semver.parse_version_info`` - ``semver.format_version`` - ``semver.bump_{major,minor,patch,prerelease,build}`` - ``semver.finalize_version`` - ``semver.replace`` - ``semver.VersionInfo._asdict`` (use the new, public available function ``semver.VersionInfo.to_dict()``) - ``semver.VersionInfo._astuple`` (use the new, public available function ``semver.VersionInfo.to_tuple()``) These deprecated functions will be removed in semver 3. ---- Version 2.9.1 ============= :Released: 2020-02-16 :Maintainer: Tom Schraitle Features -------- * :gh:`177` (:pr:`178`): Fixed repository and CI links (moved https://github.com/k-bx/python-semver/ repository to https://github.com/python-semver/python-semver/) * :pr:`179`: Added note about moving this project to the new python-semver organization on GitHub * :gh:`187` (:pr:`188`): Added logo for python-semver organization and documentation * :gh:`191` (:pr:`194`): Created manpage for pysemver * :gh:`196` (:pr:`197`): Added distribution specific installation instructions * :gh:`201` (:pr:`202`): Reformatted source code with black * :gh:`208` (:pr:`209`): Introduce new function :func:`semver.VersionInfo.isvalid` and extend :command:`pysemver` with :command:`check` subcommand * :gh:`210` (:pr:`215`): Document how to deal with invalid versions * :pr:`212`: Improve docstrings according to PEP257 Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`192` (:pr:`193`): Fixed "pysemver" and "pysemver bump" when called without arguments ---- Version 2.9.0 ============= :Released: 2019-10-30 :Maintainer: Sébastien Celles Features -------- * :gh:`59` (:pr:`164`): Implemented a command line interface * :gh:`85` (:pr:`147`, :pr:`154`): Improved contribution section * :gh:`104` (:pr:`125`): Added iterator to :func:`semver.VersionInfo` * :gh:`112`, :gh:`113`: Added Python 3.7 support * :pr:`120`: Improved test_immutable function with properties * :pr:`125`: Created :file:`setup.cfg` for pytest and tox * :gh:`126` (:pr:`127`): Added target for documentation in :file:`tox.ini` * :gh:`142` (:pr:`143`): Improved usage section * :gh:`144` (:pr:`156`): Added :func:`semver.replace` and :func:`semver.VersionInfo.replace` functions * :gh:`145` (:pr:`146`): Added posargs in :file:`tox.ini` * :pr:`157`: Introduce :file:`conftest.py` to improve doctests * :pr:`165`: Improved code coverage * :pr:`166`: Reworked :file:`.gitignore` file * :gh:`167` (:pr:`168`): Introduced global constant :data:`SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION` Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`102`: Fixed comparison between VersionInfo and tuple * :gh:`103`: Disallow comparison between VersionInfo and string (and int) * :gh:`121` (:pr:`122`): Use python3 instead of python3.4 in :file:`tox.ini` * :pr:`123`: Improved :func:`__repr__` and derive class name from :func:`type` * :gh:`128` (:pr:`129`): Fixed wrong datatypes in docstring for :func:`semver.format_version` * :gh:`135` (:pr:`140`): Converted prerelease and build to string * :gh:`136` (:pr:`151`): Added testsuite to tarball * :gh:`154` (:pr:`155`): Improved README description Removals -------- * :gh:`111` (:pr:`110`): Dropped Python 3.3 * :gh:`148` (:pr:`149`): Removed and replaced ``python setup.py test`` ---- Version 2.8.2 ============= :Released: 2019-05-19 :Maintainer: Sébastien Celles Skipped, not released. ---- Version 2.8.1 ============= :Released: 2018-07-09 :Maintainer: Sébastien Celles Features -------- * :gh:`40` (:pr:`88`): Added a static parse method to VersionInfo * :gh:`77` (:pr:`47`): Converted multiple tests into pytest.mark.parametrize * :gh:`87`, :gh:`94` (:pr:`93`): Removed named tuple inheritance. * :gh:`89` (:pr:`90`): Added doctests. Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`98` (:pr:`99`): Set prerelease and build to None by default * :gh:`96` (:pr:`97`): Made VersionInfo immutable ---- Version 2.8.0 ============= :Released: 2018-05-16 :Maintainer: Sébastien Celles Changes ------- * :gh:`82` (:pr:`83`): Renamed :file:`test.py` to :file:`test_semver.py` so py.test can autodiscover test file Additions --------- * :gh:`79` (:pr:`81`, :pr:`84`): Defined and improve a release procedure file * :gh:`72`, :gh:`73` (:pr:`75`): Implemented :func:`__str__` and :func:`__hash__` Removals -------- * :gh:`76` (:pr:`80`): Removed Python 2.6 compatibility ---- Version 2.7.9 ============= :Released: 2017-09-23 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Additions --------- * :gh:`65` (:pr:`66`): Added :func:`semver.finalize_version` function. ---- Version 2.7.8 ============= :Released: 2017-08-25 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov * :gh:`62`: Support custom default names for pre and build ---- Version 2.7.7 ============= :Released: 2017-05-25 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov * :gh:`54` (:pr:`55`): Added comparision between VersionInfo objects * :pr:`56`: Added support for Python 3.6 ---- Version 2.7.2 ============= :Released: 2016-11-08 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Additions --------- * Added :func:`semver.parse_version_info` to parse a version string to a version info tuple. Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`37`: Removed trailing zeros from prelease doesn't allow to parse 0 pre-release version * Refine parsing to conform more strictly to SemVer 2.0.0. SemVer 2.0.0 specification §9 forbids leading zero on identifiers in the prerelease version. ---- Version 2.6.0 ============= :Released: 2016-06-08 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Removals -------- * Remove comparison of build component. SemVer 2.0.0 specification recommends that build component is ignored in comparisons. ---- Version 2.5.0 ============= :Released: 2016-05-25 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Additions --------- * Support matching 'not equal' with “!=”. Changes ------- * Made separate builds for tests on Travis CI. ---- Version 2.4.2 ============= :Released: 2016-05-16 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Changes ------- * Migrated README document to reStructuredText format. * Used Setuptools for distribution management. * Migrated test cases to Py.test. * Added configuration for Tox test runner. ---- Version 2.4.1 ============= :Released: 2016-03-04 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Additions --------- * :gh:`23`: Compared build component of a version. ---- Version 2.4.0 ============= :Released: 2016-02-12 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`21`: Compared alphanumeric components correctly. ---- Version 2.3.1 ============= :Released: 2016-01-30 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Additions --------- * Declared granted license name in distribution metadata. ---- Version 2.3.0 ============= :Released: 2016-01-29 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Additions --------- * Added functions to increment prerelease and build components in a version. ---- Version 2.2.1 ============= :Released: 2015-08-04 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Bug Fixes --------- * Corrected comparison when any component includes zero. ---- Version 2.2.0 ============= :Released: 2015-06-21 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Additions --------- * Add functions to determined minimum and maximum version. * Add code examples for recently-added functions. ---- Version 2.1.2 ============= :Released: 2015-05-23 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Bug Fixes --------- * Restored current README document to distribution manifest. ---- Version 2.1.1 ============= :Released: 2015-05-23 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Bug Fixes --------- * Removed absent document from distribution manifest. ---- Version 2.1.0 ============= :Released: 2015-05-22 :Maintainer: Kostiantyn Rybnikov Additions --------- * Documented installation instructions. * Documented project home page. * Added function to format a version string from components. * Added functions to increment specific components in a version. Changes ------- * Migrated README document to Markdown format. Bug Fixes --------- * Corrected code examples in README document. ---- Version 2.0.2 ============= :Released: 2015-04-14 :Maintainer: Konstantine Rybnikov Additions --------- * Added configuration for Travis continuous integration. * Explicitly declared supported Python versions. ---- Version 2.0.1 ============= :Released: 2014-09-24 :Maintainer: Konstantine Rybnikov Bug Fixes --------- * :gh:`9`: Fixed comparison of equal version strings. ---- Version 2.0.0 ============= :Released: 2014-05-24 :Maintainer: Konstantine Rybnikov Additions --------- * Grant license in this code base under BSD 3-clause license terms. Changes ------- * Update parser to SemVer standard 2.0.0. * Ignore build component for comparison. ---- Version 0.0.2 ============= :Released: 2012-05-10 :Maintainer: Konstantine Rybnikov Changes ------- * Use standard library Distutils for distribution management. ---- Version 0.0.1 ============= :Released: 2012-04-28 :Maintainer: Konstantine Rybnikov * Initial release. .. Local variables: coding: utf-8 mode: text mode: rst End: vim: fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=rst :