Comparing Versions ================== .. meta:: :description lang=en: Comparing versions with and the Version class To compare two versions depends on your type: * **Two strings** Use :func:` `:: >>>"1.0.0", "2.0.0") -1 >>>"2.0.0", "1.0.0") 1 >>>"2.0.0", "2.0.0") 0 The return value is negative if ``version1 < version2``, zero if ``version1 == version2`` and strictly positive if ``version1 > version2``. * **Two** :class:`~semver.version.Version` **instances** Use the specific operator. Currently, the operators ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=``, ``==``, and ``!=`` are supported:: >>> v1 = Version.parse("3.4.5") >>> v2 = Version.parse("3.5.1") >>> v1 < v2 True >>> v1 > v2 False * **A** :class:`~semver.version.Version` **type and a** :func:`tuple` **or** :func:`list` Use the operator as with two :class:`~semver.version.Version` types:: >>> v = Version.parse("3.4.5") >>> v > (1, 0) True >>> v < [3, 5] True The opposite does also work:: >>> (1, 0) < v True >>> [3, 5] > v True * **A** :class:`~semver.version.Version` **type and a** :func:`str` You can use also raw strings to compare:: >>> v > "1.0.0" True >>> v < "3.5.0" True The opposite does also work:: >>> "1.0.0" < v True >>> "3.5.0" > v True However, if you compare incomplete strings, you get a :py:exc:`python:ValueError` exception:: >>> v > "1.0" Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 1.0 is not valid SemVer string * **A** :class:`~semver.version.Version` **type and a** :func:`dict` You can also use a dictionary. In contrast to strings, you can have an "incomplete" version (as the other parts are set to zero):: >>> v > dict(major=1) True The opposite does also work:: >>> dict(major=1) < v True If the dictionary contains unknown keys, you get a :py:exc:`python:TypeError` exception:: >>> v > dict(major=1, unknown=42) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: ... got an unexpected keyword argument 'unknown' Other types cannot be compared. If you need to convert some types into others, refer to :ref:`sec.convert.versions`. The use of these comparison operators also implies that you can use builtin functions that leverage this capability; builtins including, but not limited to: :func:`max`, :func:`min` (for examples, see :ref:`sec_max_min`) and :func:`sorted`.